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mailgate products


mail server & proxy server
MailGate Screenshot

Internet connectivity on a single connection. Provides both a mail server and proxy gateway server for your LAN. Highly configurable e-mail handling, Web access with URL filters for restrictions, and create proxies for just about anything.
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MailGate can be expanded via Extension Modules that can be seperately added to your MailGate system.

Mail Manager Extension
Spam Filter Extension
Virus Scanner Extension
Mail Log Extension
List Server Extension
product details

MailGate Spam Filter Extension

Add-on Extension Module for MailGate mail and proxy server. Can be installed via the main MailGate installer.

All inbound mail is filtered by user definable rules, and can be marked as spam before delivery, or deleted instantly.

Some of the difficulty of filtering spam mail arises from the floating definition of what constitutes unwanted mail. The Spam Filter Module uses a rules based filter applied by a basic-like scripting language to allow the user to adopt their own definition of what constitutes spam. The Module is preconfigured by us to apply immediate spam filtering on installation, but it allows you to adjust or re-write the rules to optimise the filtering service. Mail administrators can choose to block named sites or even to allow mail to be forwarded only from specifically named sites.

While known spam can be blocked outright suspect spam, defined according to criteria set down by the user, may be allowed through and optionally be labelled with a warning for the recipient. Once all the recipients are satisfied that suspect mail is truly unwanted it is dealt with by setting the filter to identify its specific characteristics and then blocking it.

The filter plugs into the MailGate server to give centralised protection to all the mailboxes from unwanted mail.

Please contact us for more details.

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