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mailgate products


mail server & proxy server
MailGate Screenshot

Internet connectivity on a single connection. Provides both a mail server and proxy gateway server for your LAN. Highly configurable e-mail handling, Web access with URL filters for restrictions, and create proxies for just about anything.
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MailGate can be expanded via Extension Modules that can be seperately added to your MailGate system.

Mail Manager Extension
Spam Filter Extension
Virus Scanner Extension
Mail Log Extension
List Server Extension
product details

MailGate Mail Log Extension

Add-on Extension Module for MailGate mail and proxy server. Can be installed via the main MailGate installer.

Provides highly detailed logging for both mail and proxy activity. This can be used with the Net-alyzer for MailGate product.

Net-alyzer is also available from us for other SMTP servers - for more info click here.

Installing the Mail Log Extension enables MailGate to produce enhanced mail and proxy activity logs for Net-alyzer for MailGate.

Net-alyzer provides the information with which you can decide what is excessive or inappropriate Internet use, giving you an opportunity to establish acceptable boundaries of Internet activity. With this in place, your company can safely benefit from the huge business advantages that the Internet can offer.

Net-alyzer enables you to establish:
  • The source, destination and volume of e-mail traffic.
  • Your company's Internet browsing patterns.
  • How your company is using its Internet connection.
  • Bandwidth management.
As the use of the Internet expands, employers should be reasonably confident that staff who have been given access will restrict their Internet usage to relevant and productive purposes. However some users of the Internet may - even unwittingly - expose the organisation to the risk of serious legal action through, for example, the downloading of inappropriate materials and their display in the workplace.

In addition, it is well recognised that users spend far more time browsing than they realise, and this can lead to very inefficient use of company time. To guard against these issues some form of monitoring and control will become an essential part of the Internet.

Net-alyzer provides a simple enterprise-wide solution and works with a number of proxy servers, firewalls and e-mail servers and is OPSEC compliant.

Please contact us for more details.

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