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spam, viruses, spyware, phishing, email content
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Email Security and Control
Sophos Email Security and Control protects against inbound and outbound threats with unrivaled effectiveness and simplicity, delivering high-capacity, high-availability security against spam, phishing, viruses, spyware and malware.
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Note: Take a look at the Product comparison to find out whether you should buy Sophos Enterprise or Sophos Small Business solutions.

product details

Sophos Email Security and Control

Eliminate spam, viruses, spyware and phishing, and control email content

Note: Read about Sophos Anti-Virus on the following platforms:

Sophos Email Security and Control for Windows/Exchange

Powerful anti-virus protection

Award-winning technology detects, disinfects or quarantines viruses, spyware, Trojans and worms in incoming and outgoing email and scans inside Microsoft Exchange message stores.

Industry-leading spam protection

PureMessage safely identifies up to 98% of spam and protects against email scams, including phishing attacks.

Automatic updates

The latest software, virus detection files and new spam rules are downloaded automatically via the internet. Spam rule updates are available hourly from SophosLabs™.

Proactive threat reduction

Powerful policy enforcement blocks emerging threats and offensive content within the email body and attachments.

At-a-glance message and threat reporting

Graphical charts provide an at-a-glance insight into performance. Data can be exported for inclusion in management reports.

Flexible email quarantine management

PureMessage provides both a searchable central quarantine for administrators, and an intuitive web-based interface which enables end users to review quarantine contents easily.

Easy configuration and management

A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) interface allows the straightforward configuration and management of PureMessage.

Tight integration into mail infrastructure

Integration with Microsoft IIS SMTP and Microsoft Exchange is seamless and won't compromise performance or integrity.

Multi-language filtering

Global organizations are protected from viruses and spam in multiple-language message streams.

Microsoft-certified technology

PureMessage is certified by Microsoft for use on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. It can also be used on Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional.

Support for clustered Exchange environments

Protection provided for multiple Exchange server environments that use active/passive clustering.

System requirements

Check the system requirements for PureMessage for Windows/Exchange.

System requirements
  • IIS SMTP gateways
    Windows 2003 or Windows XP Professional SP1, or Windows 2000 (Professional or Server) SP3
  • Exchange servers
    Windows 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP3
    Exchange 2000 or 2003
  • Administration console
    Windows 2003 or Windows XP Professional, or Windows 2000 (Professional or Server) SP3
  • Database
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (with SP3 or higher), or Microsoft SQL Express 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Edition (MSDE) 2000 (SP3 or higher)
  • Memory
    Minimum 256 MB, with 512 MB recommended
  • Disk space
    Minimum 140 MB free
Languages supported
  • English and Japanese

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