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ciphertrust products


anti-virus, anti-spam, security
IronMail Appliance

Hardware-based security solution: providing anti-spam, anti-virus, encryption, intrusion prevention, secure Webmail, and more.
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The hardware-based anti-virus, anti-spam, security, and encryption solution for your network.

IronMail protects enterprise email systems from inbound threats: spam, viruses; or hackers trying to take down or take over the e-mail system. IronMail protects enterprise email systems from outbound threats: regulatory compliance violations, corporate policy violations, or theft ('leakage') of confidential information or intellectual property. IronMail protects enterprise email systems from threats that haven’t even been identified yet.

3 Classes of Protection
IronMail protection is available in three forms to meet the email protection needs of most organizations:
  • C-Class for ISPs and other extremely demanding environments.
  • E-Class for Large Enterprises.
  • S-Class for Small-to-Medium Businesses.

Key Benefits and Functionality To Stop Inbound Threats

Utilizing CipherTrust’s best-in-class TrustedSource Reputation Service, along with an award-winning 'cocktail' of multiple detection algorithms, IronMail delivers the most accurate, effective, scalable and easy-to-manage anti-spam protection available. CipherTrust pioneered the email security appliance market and we remain at the forefront in the war against spam, committed to delivering the highest level of protection available.

Zero Day Anti-Virus
Given the potential damage, enterprises can’t afford the time it takes signature-based anti-virus software to respond to an attack. IronMail’s Zero Day Virus Protection takes anti-virus protection to the next level by leveraging global threat intelligence from the TrustedSource Reputation Service to close the window of vulnerability that occurs between when an attack first emerges and when a signature is available – protecting your network from threats that don’t even exist yet.

Phishers use spam to perpetrate fraud and identity theft. The best protection against phishing is to prevent these fraudulent emails from ever getting to an employee’s inbox. In other words, the best anti-phishing defense is your anti-spam defense. And IronMail, with the TrustedSource Reputation System, is the industry’s best anti-spam solution.

Email Firewall and Intrusion Prevention
IronMail protects enterprises from every known e-mail attack technique, as well as those that have yet to be discovered. Denial-of-service, directory harvest attacks, port scans and other attacks are blocked by the purpose-built, hardened IronMail appliance and never have a chance to reach the network.

Key Benefits and Functionality To Stop Outbound Threats

Patient information; your customer list; this quarter’s financial results. Organizations must protect critical content from 'leaking' as well as prove they are complying with regulatory and other company policies. IronMail provides industry-leading e-mail scanning, content analysis and rules-based enforcement tools to ensure control of sensitive content and compliance with policy.

Policy-based Encryption
Encrypting emails containing sensitive information is a 'best practice' that has historically been too hard to implement due to incompatible technologies; confused end users; and the complexity of translating policy into rules and action. IronMail solves these problems with an integrated, interoperable, policy-based encryption solution that ensures email compliance with no end-user interaction.

Please contact us for more details.

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